Age: 14
Age at T1D diagnosis: 11

Sophia is enthusiastic about reaching out to her community about T1D. Her mother and brother Alex also have T1D, and Sophia says, “My mom and I talk to anybody with T1D we can find!” She tells her classmates and civic groups what living with T1D means for her, and her family often mentors other families with T1D. “We try to help all newly diagnosed T1D’s understand it’s okay and they can do this.” Sophia keeps a positive attitude, saying, “I’m very proud of the fact that I don’t let diabetes stop me from what I love doing.” Photography is a favorite hobby, and Sophia runs a photobooth business with her siblings, donating 10% of the proceeds to JDRF.

Utah youth preparing for trip to Washington for JDRF Children’s Congress / Fox 13 / July 21, 2017

Park city children to attend Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s 2017 Children’s Congress / Park Record / July 18, 20