Age: 8
Age at T1D diagnosis: 4

Riley loves to act, play soccer and swim. When she grows up she wants to be an actress, doctor or vet. Riley knows how to poke her own finger, figure out how much insulin she needs and give herself injections. She explains, “They are not things most eight-year-old kids have to worry about, but they are things I have to know how to do to stay alive.” Riley is a JDRF Youth Ambassador and she spreads T1D awareness by speaking with her community and local media. She has also helped raise more than $10,000 for JDRF One Walk and JDRF Gala. “The scientists are doing a lot of really neat things that will make life with type 1 so much easier and less scary. They just need the support from everyone to make changes happen.”


Local Girl Heads to DC to Speak about Juvenile Diabetes / Your Carolina / July 3, 2017

8-year-old advocates for juvenile diabetes research / Upstate Parent / July 1, 2017

Riley goes to Washington / WCCB Charlotte / June 27, 2017

Fountain Inn girl, 8, to represent SC in Washington D.C. event for JDRF / Greenville Online / June 12, 2017