Age: 16
Age at T1D diagnosis: 12

Elizabeth enjoys playing volleyball, participating in the dive team and competing with the track and field team. In addition to sports, she also enjoys music, and is a member of her school’s band. Outside of school, she participates in Girl Scouts, volunteers at a local nursing home and dreams of becoming a doctor one day so that she can help others living with T1D. Elizabeth and her family participate in JDRF One Walk events and TypeOneNation Summits, and she also serves as a JDRF Youth Ambassador. Elizabeth is grateful for the advances in T1D technology and looks forward to speaking about their importance in D.C., saying, “These incredible pieces of technology give me more freedom to play sports and participate in other activities, as I am better able to have assurance that my blood sugar is within a safe range.”


“She doesn’t let it slow her down,” Lillie News, July 22, 2019