Age: 16
Age at T1D diagnosis: 8

Samir loves to stay active by playing soccer, ultimate frisbee and golf, and also enjoys public speaking. He is also incredibly active with JDRF Canada, and has raised more than $40,000 for JDRF with his Walk team. Samir has participated in the JDRF Kids for a Cure lobby day in Ottawa twice. Samir is excited to come to D.C. to represent the Canadian T1D community, saying, “I’m looking forward to communicating the T1D story from a Canadian perspective in a way that creates change and progress so that we can work towards a better life for all of those in the T1D community.”


“B.C. youth Samir Dattani to represent Canadians with type 1 diabetes in Washington, D.C.,” Yahoo Finance, July 4, 2019