Age: 13
Age at T1D diagnosis: 11
Age: 13
Age at Diagnosis: 11
Peyton has traveled to 13 countries, and she hopes to increase that number by a lot. She even traveled to Nicaragua just three weeks after she was diagnosed with T1D! Peyton likes reptiles, houseplants, and science, and plays soccer and runs on her school’s cross-country team. She sees herself as a biologist or zoologist when she grows up, with a lot of pets (to be precise: two dogs, a bearded dragon, and a crested gecko!).
In addition to participating in JDRF One Walk events and providing support and outreach to people newly diagnosed with T1D, Peyton has advocated on behalf of the T1D community by meeting with Members of Congress to discuss the importance of access. She believes, “People with T1D have enough to manage already—we shouldn’t also have to worry about access to our life-saving medicine or about rationing it.”