Age: 12
Age at Diagnosis: 11

Bay loves school, so much so that she’s already thinking about colleges even though she’s only in 6th grade (Brown is her first choice right now)! In addition to the time Bay devotes to schoolwork, she enjoys acting, plays volleyball and tennis, and loves to go to the beach, swim, and spend time with her family. Bay was diagnosed with T1D just over a year ago but shares, “I am proud of how I have handled my diagnosis and being able to keep up with all of the things that I love.”

Bay is passionate about raising T1D awareness, particularly around the signs and symptoms of the disease with the hope that other people won’t have to spend time in the hospital at diagnosis like she did. She is the leader of her One Walk team and was named Grand Marshal! She’s looking forward to heading to Capitol Hill to speak to her representatives about T1D and what they can do to support the community!