Age: 13
Age at Diagnosis: 9

When Zoe’s twin brother was diagnosed with T1D in 2015, she, her parents and other sibling were screened for diabetes autoantibodies. Her older sibling and parents did not test positive for autoantibodies, but Zoe did. Zoe then became part of several clinical trials, including The PROTECT Study. “I’m super proud of my involvement in clinical trials! I’ve been most involved in The PROTECT Study, and my research team has become like a second family. Through them and the nurses, I’ve learned a lot about my health and managing diabetes.”

Zoe loves Irish dancing, reading, playing board games, and spending time with her family. Zoe is particularly close to her twin brother, Andrew. “We help each other when days are hard, laugh together when diabetes tries its best to ruin our plans, and I’m grateful to have him to lean on.”