Age: 15
Age at T1D diagnosis: 1
Age: 15
Age at T1D diagnosis: 1
While Cooper is grateful for his insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor, he’s holding out hope for a cure. “In some ways diabetes research has changed so much in my lifetime, and in some ways it has changed so little. I feel that we are on the brink of breakthrough of so many lines of research toward a cure,” he says. “There are so many amazing scientists working hard to change the lives of millions of kids and adults living with T1D.” Cooper participates in JDRF Promise to Remember Me meetings, has attended 14 JDRF Walks (so far!), and, with his family, has even won the Family Team Cup for his team, “Cooper’s Troopers.” Cooper also runs a popular Instagram blog about T1D, plays tennis and soccer, and plays both piano and standup bass.
Glen Ellyn student to attend Children’s Congress to advocate for diabetes research