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2023 Delegates from Minnesota

  • Ben

    Minnesota, 2023

    Age: 14 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 9 months

    Ben has a built-in T1D support system: his brother, who also has T1D. They play soccer, hockey, and golf together, and can... Read More

  • Isabella

    Minnesota, 2023

    Age: 17 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

    Isabella has had some firsthand experience when it comes to legislation that would positively impact the T1D community. As a member of Youth in... Read More

  • Thor

    Minnesota, 2023

    Age: 12 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 2

    Thor loves building with Legos, so much so that instead of using a poster to do his yearly presentation at school to spread awareness... Read More

2019 Delegates from Minnesota

  • Amelia

    Minnesota, 2019

    Age: 11 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 8 months

    Amelia is an accomplished musician who plays both piano and violin, and even had the opportunity to travel to London last summer... Read More

  • Anthony

    Minnesota, 2019

    Age: 17 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 18 Months

    Anthony is a junior in high school and starting catcher on his high school’s baseball team. When he’s not in school or... Read More

  • Elizabeth

    Minnesota, 2019

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 12

    Elizabeth enjoys playing volleyball, participating in the dive team and competing with the track and field team. In addition to sports, she also... Read More

  • Skylar

    Minnesota, 2019

    Age: 14 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 9

    Skylar is a straight-A student with a love of reading, writing, electronic music, shopping and drawing. She’s very involved with JDRF and has... Read More

2017 Delegates from Minnesota

  • Caroline

    Minnesota, 2017

    Age: 13 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

    Since being diagnosed right after her third birthday, Caroline has had a positive attitude about living with T1D. To keep upbeat, she repeats... Read More

  • Eric

    Minnesota, 2017

    Age: 13 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 4

    Eric loves playing hockey, football and Xbox. When he grows up he wants to be a professional hockey or football player, though his... Read More

  • Leland

    Minnesota, 2017

    Age: 5 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 1

    Leland loves to play Minecraft, ride his Superman bike and dress up as a Storm Trooper. He is very proud of gaining the... Read More

  • Lincoln

    Minnesota, 2017

    Age: 5 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 1

    Lincoln loves to go to preschool, build with Legos and play hide-and-go-seek. Lincoln was diagnosed with T1D before his twin brother and likes... Read More

2015 Delegates from Minnesota

  • Abbie

    Minnesota, 2015

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 13

    Abbie knows all about innovation. She’s starting a nonprofit, called PAb’s Packs, with her friend Pia, who was diagnosed with lymphoma. “We both... Read More

  • Dominik

    Minnesota, 2015

    Age: 13 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

    Managing T1D has taught Dominik the values of dedication and commitment in all aspects of life. An avid ice hockey player, he reflects... Read More

  • Landen

    Minnesota, 2015

    Age: 4 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 1

    Thanks to his CGM and insulin pump, Landen attends regular preschool. Even with these advances in technology, Landen has been hospitalized seven times,... Read More

2013 Delegates from Minnesota

  • Anna

    Minnesota, 2013

    Age: 11 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 2

    Diagnosed less than a year after her older sister (Emma), Anna was only two years old when her T1D was discovered and only... Read More

  • Emma

    Minnesota, 2013

    Age: 13 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

    Just 10 months after Emma was diagnosed with T1D, her younger sister, Anna, was diagnosed as well. As young children, both struggled with... Read More

2011 Delegates from Minnesota

  • Cody

    Minnesota, 2011

    "Sometimes I get mad because I have diabetes and I think it's not fair, but then I remember my little sister and I think it's not so bad," says Cody,... Read More

  • Maxwell

    Minnesota, 2011

    Max was diagnosed with type 1 when he was three. Every year, Max's family marks his "diabetes anniversary" with a fun activity, like riding roller coasters, to celebrate everyone's hard... Read More