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2023 Delegates from Oregon

  • Andrew

    Oregon, 2023

    Age: 13 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

    Andrew dreams of a world where people are more educated about T1D, and he works hard in his community to help that happen! In... Read More

  • Owen

    Oregon, 2023

    Age: 15 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

    Owen enjoys volunteering for JDRF, from serving as a Youth Ambassador, community events like One Walk, and delivering Bags of Hope to newly diagnosed... Read More

  • Zoe

    Oregon, 2023

    Age: 13 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 9

    When Zoe’s twin brother was diagnosed with T1D in 2015, she, her parents and other sibling were screened for diabetes autoantibodies. Her older sibling... Read More

2019 Delegates from Oregon

  • Bram

    Oregon, 2019

    Age: 11 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 10

    Bram may have only been diagnosed with T1D last year, but he has maintained a positive attitude and does not let it stop... Read More

  • Ellie

    Oregon, 2019

    Age: 14 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 9

    When Ellie was first diagnosed with T1D, it was difficult for her to learn that there is currently no cure for the disease,... Read More

2017 Delegates from Oregon

  • Anya

    Oregon, 2017

    Age: 15 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

    Anya likes to take advantage of all the outdoor activities her hometown has to offer such as hiking, kayaking, skiing and swimming. She also... Read More

  • Rohan

    Oregon, 2017

    Age: 15 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 21 months

    Diagnosed when he was just a baby, Rohan can’t remember a time when he didn’t have to deal with needle pricks and... Read More

2015 Delegates from Oregon

  • Annika

    Oregon, 2015

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 7

    Like many kids living with T1D, Annika is hopeful for a cure. Just for today, though, she would be content with new advances... Read More

  • Ewan

    Oregon, 2015

    Age: 7 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 1

    Ewan knows firsthand just how much technology can help a kid with T1D. He has an insulin pump, and recently started using a... Read More

  • Henry

    Oregon, 2015

    Age: 13 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 2

    Summiting Mount St. Helens and managing T1D are two of Henry’s coolest achievements. But, as Henry explains, there are plenty more. “Some of... Read More

2013 Delegates from Oregon

  • Adli

    Oregon, 2013

    Age: 7 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 1

    Though Adli can’t remember life before her T1D diagnosis, this budding young dancer and artist “loves to make people laugh and smile,” according... Read More

2011 Delegates from Oregon

  • Anna

    Oregon, 2011

    Anna, who was diagnosed at age eight, sings with the Portland Opera, and plays piano, flute, dulcimer, soccer, basketball, tennis, and golf. She also loves to cook and specializes in... Read More

  • Madison

    Oregon, 2011

    Madison was seven years old the day she started experiencing a stomach ache at school, was taken to the doctor, and was diagnosed with type 1. The diagnosis brought with... Read More