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North Carolina

2023 Delegates from North Carolina

  • Christina

    North Carolina, 2023

    Age: 15 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 9

    Christina can usually be found spreading awareness around T1D. Whether she’s speaking about T1D in her speech and debate or English classes, posting on... Read More

  • Davis

    North Carolina, 2023

    Age: 15 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

    Davis loves sports and is a starting lacrosse player, and captain of the soccer team at his school. He’s a member of the National... Read More

  • Hannah

    North Carolina, 2023

    Age: 17 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

    Hannah has been a dancer for over 14 years — she is trained in ballet, modern, jazz, and tap. She is also a member... Read More

  • Jad

    North Carolina, 2023

    Age: 17 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 12

    Jad describes himself as an extrovert, he loves having conversations with a variety of people and learning more about different ideas in general. He’s... Read More

  • Madilyn

    North Carolina, 2023

    Age: 9 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

    When Madilyn was diagnosed with T1D, she dove right into getting involved with things like JDRF One Walk, JDRF Ride, and has served as... Read More

2019 Delegates from North Carolina

  • Catchie

    North Carolina, 2019

    Age: 13 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

    Catchie hasn’t let T1D stand in her way of being a competitive gymnast—practicing and competing for 20 hours each week—and dreams of becoming... Read More

  • Ella

    North Carolina, 2019

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 9

    Ella plays goalie on her school’s varsity lacrosse team, and is already receiving interest from college coaches. Off of the field, Ella is... Read More

  • Jack

    North Carolina, 2019

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

    Jack doesn’t remember a lot about being in the hospital at age three when he was diagnosed with T1D, but he does remember... Read More

  • Kabir

    North Carolina, 2019

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 14

    When Kabir was diagnosed with T1D, he worried about the changes it would bring to him and his family’s lives and all of... Read More

  • Will

    North Carolina, 2019

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 15 months

    Will has had T1D as long as he can remember. When he was diagnosed at only 15 months old, his parents had... Read More

2017 Delegates from North Carolina

  • Chance

    North Carolina, 2017

    Age: 9 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 20 months

    Chance really likes arts and crafts—and when he grows up he would like to be an artist, engineer or architect. He and... Read More

  • Maddie

    North Carolina, 2017

    Age: 15 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 7

    Scholar, athlete, and person with T1D. That’s Maddie, a straight A Honor Roll student who also plays varsity tennis and soccer, and helped launch... Read More

  • Miles

    North Carolina, 2017

    Age: 5 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 1

    This year, Miles started playing T-ball, soccer and basketball. When he grows up he wants to be a member of the Army, a... Read More

  • Sebastian

    North Carolina, 2017

    Age: 15 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 1

    Sebastian is a high school sophomore who has not let T1D stop him from achieving his goals. He is at the top of... Read More

  • Will

    North Carolina, 2017

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 12

    Will enjoys playing varsity soccer, swimming and tennis. He also loves long-distance running, reading, and surfing. In the future, Will wants to study... Read More

2015 Delegates from North Carolina

  • Andrew

    North Carolina, 2015

    Age: 15 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 6

    Andrew’s participation in JDRF Children’s Congress isn’t his first foray into politics. He has served as both vice president and president of his... Read More

  • Rachel

    North Carolina, 2015

    Age: 17 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 2

    “I’ve appreciated my life, both the good and bad, so much more as a chronically ill young person than I ever could have... Read More

  • Stella

    North Carolina, 2015

    Age: 4 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

    Stella was diagnosed with T1D just a few days after her third birthday. As her mom explains, “JDRF is her advocate, as well... Read More

  • Stephen

    North Carolina, 2015

    Age: 15 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 7

    “I do believe that if we continue to work together,” says Stephen, “one day diabetes will no longer exist. I try every day... Read More

  • Trinity

    North Carolina, 2015

    Age: 10 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

    Trinity doesn’t just wish for a cure, she works for it. For the last four years, she has asked her friends to bring... Read More

  • Turner

    North Carolina, 2015

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

    “The marathon JDRF has been running is closing in on the finish line,” says Turner, “but every extra donation can only succeed in... Read More

2013 Delegates from North Carolina

  • Anya

    North Carolina, 2013

    Age: 8 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 4

    Pax means “peace” in Latin, and that’s just what Anya’s service dog, Pax, a Red Merle Australian shepherd, brings her. The two go... Read More

  • Carr

    North Carolina, 2013

    Age: 13 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 8

    Every year, Carr and his family do everything they can to support T1D research by forming JDRF Walk teams, attending Galas, and advocating... Read More

  • Chandler

    North Carolina, 2013

    Age: 14 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 7

    Chandler wants to share her thanks for all those who have championed the Special Diabetes Program (SDP). “Their support changes my life for... Read More

  • Ian

    North Carolina, 2013

    Age: 14 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 9

    Ian lives by the advice his parents shared upon his T1D diagnosis. “My mom and dad told me, ‘You can do whatever you... Read More

  • Joel

    North Carolina, 2013

    Age: 5 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 1

    Joel was diagnosed at just 22 months. In the early days of his disease, Joel’s parents found it difficult to regulate his blood-sugar... Read More

2011 Delegates from North Carolina

  • Ashley

    North Carolina, 2011

    Since her diagnosis at age six, Ashley has proven that she can maintain an energetic life with type 1 diabetes. She has won first place at three dance competitions, starred... Read More

  • Ethan

    North Carolina, 2011

    Ethan loves to be independent. Diagnosed at age two, he was pricking his own fingers and operating his blood sugar meter before age three. He got an insulin pump at... Read More

  • Lane

    North Carolina, 2011

    If he's not playing baseball, or watching the Yankees, Jets, or Carolina Hurricanes play, you might find Robert reading Harry Potter or fundraising for JDRF. Diagnosed with diabetes at age... Read More