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2023 Delegates from Idaho

  • Charlotte

    Idaho, 2023

    Age: 12 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

    Charlotte is very artistic—she likes singing, dancing, and listening to boy bands, but she especially likes abstract painting. She enjoys raising awareness about T1D,... Read More

2019 Delegates from Idaho

  • Connor

    Idaho, 2019

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 11

    When Connor was diagnosed with T1D at age 11, he was already pretty familiar with the disease, because his brother was diagnosed just... Read More

2017 Delegates from Idaho

  • Claire

    Idaho, 2017

    Age: 14 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 6

    Claire has had T1D for more than half her life, but has not let it stop her from living her life to the... Read More

2015 Delegates from Idaho

  • Kennedy

    Idaho, 2015

    Age: 9 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

    Kennedy is a blue ribbon–winning member of 4–H, a swim team member and an aspiring gymnast. She is also an experienced advocate for... Read More

2013 Delegates from Idaho

  • Carson

    Idaho, 2013

    Age: 10 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 7

    For Carson, T1D is the mother of invention! His creation, the Swipe and Wipe, a blood-sugar test strip with an alcohol- and dry-pad... Read More

2011 Delegates from Idaho

  • Sydney

    Idaho, 2011

    "Some kids don't like talking about their diabetes. I am not scared to talk about it anymore," Sydney told her mom when she heard of the opportunity to be a... Read More