Age: 11
Age at T1D diagnosis: 4

Amelia hopes to outrun T1D someday. Every year, she holds a “Diabetes Dash”—she invites people to run, walk, bike, scooter, or Rollerblade around a local park to raise funds for JDRF. She hopes Congress will join in, too. “The U.S. Congress should support type 1 diabetes because it is a disease that is not fun to have. It affects the lives of millions of people. It affects them every time they eat, sleep, exercise, and lots more. I think that this is a great cause to help.”

Amelia is an avid blogger. She raises T1D awareness through her blog Peace. Love. Hope. Diabetes., and she shares her passion for photography through her photo blog. Her future goals include selling her photography professionally, visiting Hawaii, and helping to find a cure for T1D.