Age: 11
Age at T1D diagnosis: 8 months

Amelia is an accomplished musician who plays both piano and violin, and even had the opportunity to travel to London last summer with her music ensemble. When she’s not making beautiful music, Amelia enjoys dancing, reading and riding her bike. Amelia is also very proud that she has had the chance to represent her school in several spelling bee competitions. She has been participating in JDRF One Walk events since she was just a year old, and over the years, her team has raised more than $80,000 for T1D research. Amelia has also served as a JDRF Youth Ambassador, speaking on several occasions about her reasons for wanting a T1D cure, but says that her number one reason is freedom. “Freedom from all the responsibilities that come with having T1D, that would be amazing.”


“Chan girl heads to Washington DC to advocate for type 1 diabetes research,” Chanhassen Villager, May 9, 2019

“Three Qs: Type 1 diabetes advocate Amelia Wagner goes to Washington, D.C.,” swnewsmedia, July 24, 2019