Age: 10
Age at T1D diagnosis: 13 months
Age: 10
Age at T1D diagnosis: 13 months
Ten-year-old Ari estimates he has tested his blood sugar some 30,000 times in his life and endured 2,000 insulin pump site changes. But that hasn’t slowed him or his family down. They are active supporters of JDRF’s Westchester/Fairfield/Hudson Valley Chapter, where their JDRF One Walk team, ‘The Battling Brothers,’ has raised more than $200,000 in the past nine years. Ari also does outreach about T1D at his school and summer camp, and answers questions about the disease on the T1D Exchange. When he’s not working on behalf of JDRF, Ari is a member of his local travel soccer team, skis and plays the guitar.