Age: 14
Age at T1D diagnosis: 9 months
Age: 14
Age at T1D diagnosis: 9 months
Ben has a built-in T1D support system: his brother, who also has T1D. They play soccer, hockey, and golf together, and can do these things safely thanks to technologies like insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors. Ben’s favorite accomplishment is winning first place in hockey! One day, Ben would like to be a computer engineer like his uncle.
Ben has witnessed firsthand the complications that can occur with T1D—his grandfather with T1D suffered kidney failure and amputations. “I don’t want anyone to have to deal with that,” he said. This has driven him to advocate for better treatments and easier access to therapies and technologies.
“Sartell, boy, 14, chosen to attend Children’s Congress,” The Newsleaders, June 25, 2023