Age: 17
Age at T1D diagnosis: 4

Summer camp is usually a place to relax, but for Casey, it was a life-changing experience. After struggling with her diabetes with only the support of her family and doctor, attending the Clara Barton Camp for Girls with T1D introduced her to an environment “where I was normal, and where the people around me had the same challenges, frustrations, highs and lows. I found a home away from home. Camp has been one of the best experiences of my life!” The active 16-year-old served as a counselor-in-training at the camp last summer, and has been invited to return as its Athletic Director this year. Casey and her family are active JDRF volunteers, participating in the local JDRF One Walk and chapter Gala. Casey has participated in some studies at the Joslin Center, and has been part of the Type 1 Diabetes Exchange.