Age: 17
Age at T1D diagnosis: 11

Christopher enjoys playing football, running track and competing with his high school weightlifting team. He wants to study criminal justice in college and become a police officer or member of the military. Diabetes brings a lot of ups and downs to Christopher’s life. He explains, “We have our times where life is great and I function like a normal child, and others where I am sick, moody or sad.” Christopher takes part in JDRF One Walk, is a JDRF Youth Ambassador and has met with his Representative to discuss why T1D research is so important. “If the funding is cut and the research is stopped, there will be more and more children who will go misdiagnosed, not receive the proper treatment and could potentially lose their lives.”


Kentuckians in Washington, D.C. / Mitch McConnell Website / July 24, 201

Dozens of children with Type One diabetes to meet with members of Congress / WLKY / July 9, 2017