Age: 17
Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

Danielle likes math, chemistry and cross-country running. When she grows up she wants to work as a physician assistant in endocrinology to “help kids with diabetes and give them the support I wish I had.” Danielle has found managing T1D to be tough, especially when blood sugar highs and lows affect her grades and running. To promote awareness, Danielle participates in JDRF One Walk and this year she rallied her cross-country teammates to raise money for research. Danielle hopes that if scientists receive more support and funding from Congress, they will find a cure for diabetes more quickly. “I don’t remember a day without having to check my blood or be reminded of the disease that seems to never let me have a day off.”

Wilbraham teen to lobby Congress for juvenile diabetes research / Mass Live / July 19, 2017