Age: 16
Age at Diagnosis: 11

In addition to being an honors student, Darcy enjoys art, crochet, roller skating, and plays tennis for her high school. She has even found a way to incorporate T1D into her art through her Instagram account, T1Doodle, where she creates comics that share her experiences about life with T1D. Her artwork can also be seen on thank you cards for JDRF Riders. Darcy is president of her school’s art club and hopes to be an animation artist when she grows up, maybe even working for Disney or Pixar. 

Along with serving as a JDRF Youth Ambassador, Darcy has participated in the One Walk every year since her diagnosis and her team has been a top 10 team each year. She is thankful for how T1D technology has made the quality of her life so much better. “I’m hopeful that more research will lead to more innovation so I can continue to follow my dreams without T1D holding me back.”