dylan has seen first-hand some of the complications of type 1 diabetes, since his father also has the disease. that contributes to dylan's strong involvement with jdrf, but his own diagnosis and experiences with the disease have also inspired him to become a role model to children with type 1.
Dylan has seen first-hand some of the complications of type 1 diabetes, since his father also has the disease. That contributes to Dylan’s strong involvement with JDRF, but his own diagnosis and experiences with the disease have also inspired him to become a role model to children with type 1.
Dylan has seen first-hand some of the complications of type 1 diabetes, since his father also has the disease. That contributes to Dylan’s strong involvement with JDRF, but his own diagnosis and experiences with the disease have also inspired him to become a role model to children with type 1. He and his mother deliver Bags of Hope to newly diagnosed children, and he is a volunteer at Camp Surefire, a summer camp for children with diabetes. Dylan is most proud of his volunteer work and fundraising efforts with JDRF, including organizing car washes. An Honor Roll student, Dylan is active in his high school student council, and on many sports teams. He likes learning what motivated great sports players. A motivated young man himself, Dylan plans to attend college. As a delegate, Dylan says, “It will be my honor to report back what I learned in Washington.”