Age: 11
Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

Ellie likes to perform Irish dance, play soccer and violin, and sing in choir. When she grows up she would like to become an engineer who helps build prosthetics for people and animals. Ellie says, “I dream of a world where there is peace, less people with T1D, and our country is safe and healthy for everyone.” Ellie is a JDRF Youth Ambassador—and she speaks on stage and welcomes guests at her local JDRF Gala. Last spring, she met with her Senator and the Commissioner of the FDA to talk about the importance of funding for new treatments. She also takes part in JDRF One Walk with her team ‘Ellie’s Diabetes Busters’. Ellie says, “I like it when I get to teach third graders and new kids at my school about T1D and JDRF.”


Local Kids Charge Capitol Hill to Lobby for Healthcare / Fox 31 CW 2 / July 12, 2017