Age: 15
Age at Diagnosis: 8

When Emma was young, she wanted to be a superhero so she could help people in need. Her career plans have changed a bit. “I realized that the way that I can accomplish my plan is to become a physician. I have much admiration for doctors and how they help others.” Emma is well on her way to making this plan a reality, attending a high school with a medical focus and having achieved straight A’s since the sixth grade, all while managing T1D. 

Emma loves to spend time in the kitchen cooking and baking for her family, especially during the holidays. She’s a competitive swimmer and a varsity tennis player, as well as an academic decathlon award winner in history. Emma works hard to raise awareness around T1D through her One Walk team, Emma’s Sugar Shakers, and says that JDRF and T1D technology have changed her life for the better—she’s an advocate because she wants to make a difference in the world.