Age: 16
Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

Hayden successfully manages a busy schedule of school, travel and playing on the lacrosse team. Despite living in Atlanta, he spends about 20 days a year snow skiing out west. Hayden also enjoys playing golf and tennis with his dad, playing video games and spending time with his friends. Hayden also finds time to advocate for the T1D community through participating in JDRF One Walk events, and serving as an ambassador at Galas and as a page at the Georgia State Capitol on Type 1 Diabetes Day. Hayden is always willing to speak to others about what it’s like living with T1D saying, “I don’t hide my T1D, and tell anyone who asks all about it. It’s super important for people to be aware of what T1D is.” Hayden is excited to bring his enthusiasm for T1D awareness to D.C.

“Five Georgians picked for Children’s Congress to lobby for diabetes research,” the Neighbor, June 27, 2019