Age: 13
Age at T1D diagnosis: 2

Summiting Mount St. Helens and managing T1D are two of Henry’s coolest achievements. But, as Henry explains, there are plenty more. “Some of the accomplishments I am most proud of are being awarded the Golden Sneaker award for raising money for JDRF. I am also proud of being chosen as a JDRF Ambassador, and an ambassador for the Live Active, Dream BIG Challenge,” which is a part of Pacific Northwest Diabetes Week. Henry enjoys archery and basketball, tae kwon do and soccer. He also speaks to his class about T1D, leads JDRF Walk efforts, has appeared in public service announcements, and has addressed the Columbia County Lions during National Diabetes Awareness Month. When Henry grows up, he would like to be a bestselling author of adventure books.


Bringing diabetes to D.C.

Scappoose boy leads local effort for diabetes cure