Age: 16
Age at T1D diagnosis: 4

Isabelle enjoys competitive cheerleading, reading and spending time with her friends. She wants to go to the University of Texas and study to become a family practice lawyer. Isabelle says, “My diagnosis was scary, but I already knew about diabetes because my older sister also has T1D.” Isabelle and her sister are co-captains for their family’s JDRF One Walk team and have raised $80,000 for T1D research. Isabelle has also educated her fellow students about T1D, served as a speaker at a JDRF Hope for the Holidays Gala, and mentors an 11-year-old girl. She says, “I love sharing my experiences with her, showing her that diabetes cannot hold you back from anything in life, and teaching her that diabetes only makes you stronger!”

Georgetown teen heads to D.C. to advocate for those living with Type 1 diabetes / Fox 7 / July 23, 2017