Age: 10
Age at Diagnosis: 8

Liviana describes herself as a strong feminist who will always fight for what she believes in, and she’s looking forward to bringing that energy to Capitol Hill as a Children’s Congress Delegate! Her love of performing, whether it’s in plays or musicals or singing her heart out on stage has made her a natural on the microphone! When she’s not in school or on stage, Liviana enjoys comics, reading, writing (she is especially proud of winning awards for her writing), spending time with her cats, and drawing.

Liviana has lived with T1D for two years, and has been hard of hearing since birth. She helps mentor other children who are impacted by hearing loss and their families, and helps to spread T1D awareness through advocacy work, and talking about T1D with her community. She has raised funds to help drive T1D research through her One Walk team, Liviana’s Lions. “Donating for research to find a cure, fighting to reduce the price of insulin, even just caring, can make a difference.”