Age: 12
Age at T1D diagnosis: 10
Age: 12
Age at T1D diagnosis: 10
Like her older brother, Erick, Oaklie is passionate about helping JDRF find a cure for T1D. A JDRF Youth Ambassador and JDRF speaker, Oaklie has spoken about her life with T1D to her church congregation, appeared on the ‘American Diabetes Hour’ live radio show, and often finds herself discussing the disease with curious strangers. “I am not shy and don’t try to hide my insulin pump or CGM and am constantly asked, and then answer, many questions that people may have,” she says. She is one half of the ‘Two Against 1’ JDRF One Walk team and plans to participate in the JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes with the rest of her family this year.
Brother Sister Duo Takes on Type 1 Diabetes / Vegas Seven / July 19, 2017