Age: 15
Age at T1D diagnosis: 21 months

Diagnosed when he was just a baby, Rohan can’t remember a time when he didn’t have to deal with needle pricks and managing his blood sugar. Now a high school freshman, he’s also a JDRF Youth Ambassador, volunteer at his JDRF Gala and JDRF One Walk participant. When Rohan was in sixth grade, he built an artificial pancreas using only Lego parts. His goal is to become a biotechnologist and help find a cure for T1D: “I am constantly thinking about the newest technology…and I have been doing some of my own research that I really care about,” he says. When he’s not busy with science, Rohan enjoys public speaking, acting as the captain of his robotics team and playing baseball. “Diabetes does not define me, but has definitely impacted all aspects of my life,” he says.


Baseball playing teen seeks cure for Juvenile Diabetes / KOIN 6 / August 7, 2o17