Age: 9
Age at T1D diagnosis: 11 months

While visiting family at just 11 months old, Roland’s grandparents—who were already familiar with T1D symptoms—made a striking observation that ultimately lead to Roland’s T1D diagnosis. His grandparents noticed a very sweet smell, the same smell they remembered observing when Roland’s mother was diagnosed with T1D years ago. Though diagnosed at such a young age, Roland was so adaptable to the new lifestyle including the devices that help him manage his T1D. Now, Roland lives a totally normal life playing flag football, acting in plays, swimming, going to sleepovers, boxing, baking with his mom and playing catch with his dad. “That is all we really want, to live a normal life and a long life if possible. We can’t do that without support for research, the Special Diabetes Program, affordable insulin and tools for diabetes management.”


“Hamilton boy to lobby for Type 1 diabetes research,” NBC Montana, July 2, 2019