"some kids don't like talking about their diabetes. i am not scared to talk about it anymore," sydney told her mom when she heard of the opportunity to be a children's congress delegate. diagnosed at age four, she is excited to join forces with other children with diabetes, to help congress members understand the severity of the disease.
"Some kids don't like talking about their diabetes. I am not scared to talk about it anymore," Sydney told her mom when she heard of the opportunity to be a Children's Congress delegate. Diagnosed at age four, she is excited to join forces with other children with diabetes, to help Congress Members understand the severity of the disease.
"Some kids don't like talking about their diabetes. I am not scared to talk about it anymore," Sydney told her mom when she heard of the opportunity to be a Children's Congress delegate. Diagnosed at age four, she is excited to join forces with other children with diabetes, to help Congress Members understand the severity of the disease. At home, Sydney helps write and mail letters during Walk season, and in three years, her team, "Sydney's Soldiers," has raised more than $8,000 for JDRF. Sydney loves people and medical information, which is why she wants to become a doctor one day. She also enjoys singing, dancing, gymnastics, cooking, learning the piano, and being with friends and family.