being active is a big part of tess's life, whether she's irish step dancing competitively or participating in walks with her team, "trek with tess," which has raised about $10,000 for jdrf. diagnosed at age 10, tess says she has never viewed her diabetes negatively.
Being active is a big part of Tess's life, whether she's Irish step dancing competitively or participating in Walks with her team, "Trek with Tess," which has raised about $10,000 for JDRF. Diagnosed at age 10, Tess says she has never viewed her diabetes negatively.
Being active is a big part of Tess's life, whether she's Irish step dancing competitively or participating in Walks with her team, "Trek with Tess," which has raised about $10,000 for JDRF. Diagnosed at age 10, Tess says she has never viewed her diabetes negatively. She loves talking to others about diabetes, and teaching her friends to check their blood sugar. In addition to her involvement with the type 1 diabetes community, Tess has won numerous academic and extra-curricular awards, plays tennis, swims, and is a visual and performance artist. She even lent her artistic input on an upcoming line of medical ID jewelry bracelets. Tess wants to become a professional photographer and interior/exterior designer. As a delegate, she hopes to "promote continued and increased funding for research and…make day-to-day living with type 1 even better along the way!"