
Browse audio, photos and video highlights from past Breakthrough T1D Children’s Congress events.

Children’s Congress 2023


Children’s Congress 2019


Children’s Congress 2017

Photo Gallery

Recap Blog

The JDRF 2017 Children’s Congress Delegation was tasked with an important job: asking their Members of Congress to renew the Special Diabetes Program (SDP), which is currently set to expire on September 30, 2017. Led by Chair Angie Platt and her family, 164 Delegates from six countries and all 50 states convened in Washington, D.C., for a three-day whirlwind of inspiration, camaraderie and advocacy culminating with the Delegates meeting with their Members of Congress and their staff on Capitol Hill. Read more.

Promise to Remember Me

Listen to the song Children’s Congress Delegates performed!

Listen to the Promise to Remember Me Song (mp3)


Children’s Congress 2015

Photo Gallery

Children’s Congress 2013

Photo Gallery

Children’s Congress 2011

Photo Gallery

Children’s Congress 2009

Photo Gallery

Children’s Congress 2007

Photo Gallery

Children’s Congress 2005

Photo Gallery

Children’s Congress 2003

Photo Gallery

Children’s Congress 2001

Children’s Congress 1999

Photo Gallery