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2023 Delegates from Louisiana

  • Bryce

    Louisiana, 2023

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 6

    After Bryce was diagnosed with T1D, he realized pretty quickly how important using his voice is. “T1D advocacy is really important to me. Advocacy... Read More

  • Henry

    Louisiana, 2023

    Age: 12 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 9

    Henry is a perfect mix of athleticism and academics. Just last year he made it to the Academic Games National Tournament and scored the... Read More

2019 Delegates from Louisiana

  • Blake

    Louisiana, 2019

    Age: 14 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 8

    Between baseball, football and basketball, Blake always stays active. On top of his many sports, he stays active with JDRF advocating for the... Read More

  • Carson

    Louisiana, 2019

    Age: 17 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 16

    Carson is an accomplished athlete who began playing baseball at age six. Now, he plays baseball on his high school varsity team as... Read More

  • Mia Grace

    Louisiana, 2019

    Age: 16 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 9

    Mia Grace is a competitive year-round swimmer, participating with both her local swim club and her school’s varsity swim team. When she’s not... Read More

2017 Delegates from Louisiana

  • Rory

    Louisiana, 2017

    Age: 12 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 2

    Like son, like father? That’s right. Rory was a six-year-old living with T1D when his father, Rhett, was diagnosed as well. Since then,... Read More

2015 Delegates from Louisiana

  • Lydia

    Louisiana, 2015

    Age: 11 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 9

    Lydia has high hopes for the future. “Right now, my future is exciting!” she says. She wants to become a preschool teacher someday.... Read More

  • Max

    Louisiana, 2015

    Age: 12 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 6

    Despite T1D’s obstacles, Max says he’s thankful. “I feel very lucky that I get wonderful care from my doctors, and I believe that... Read More

2013 Delegates from Louisiana

  • Bryan

    Louisiana, 2013

    Age: 12 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 2

    Bryan has soared above many challenges. After his diagnosis with T1D at age two, Bryan’s mother, who was deaf, couldn’t manage his disease.... Read More

  • Henry

    Louisiana, 2013

    Age: 15 | Age at T1D diagnosis: 12

    Henry knows the timeline of his T1D by heart. Two months before his 13th birthday, he received his diagnosis. Within three months, he... Read More

2011 Delegates from Louisiana

  • Charlotte

    Louisiana, 2011

    Charlotte says she is grateful that she's able to control her diabetes well with support from her parents and family, although "it takes a lot of hard work and patience!"... Read More

  • Gabriella (Gabby)

    Louisiana, 2011

    Gabby's friends have learned a lot about diabetes, and sometimes they even participate in testing her blood sugar. Diagnosed at age one, Gabby can't remember a life without diabetes, and... Read More