Age: 9
Age at T1D diagnosis: 6

When Brady grows up, he wants to be a professional baseball player or an engineer. He loves sports, especially baseball, football, basketball and skiing. Although constantly tracking his blood sugar can be difficult, Brady says, “Diabetes doesn’t stop me from doing anything. I just always have to think about diabetes.” After he was diagnosed, his family started the ’Brady’s Bunch’ team for JDRF One Walk and raised more than $20,000 for T1D research in the first year. Brady has also a sponsored a JDRF Kids Walk at his school, where he answered questions about what it’s like to have T1D. “I was sad when my doctor told me that unless we found a cure, I would have diabetes for the rest of my life. That made me want to find a cure.”

Young Mainers bring awareness to Type-1 diabetes / WMTW ABC 8 / July 27, 2017

Lakes Region boys help raise diabetes awareness at Congress / Keep Me Current / July 26, 2017

Brady’s going to D.C. — Putting a face, a story to health debate / The Bridgton News / July 21, 2017

Local youngster headed to D.C. to lobby for T1 diabetes research funding / The Bridgton News / May 26, 2017