Charlotte says she is grateful that she's able to control her diabetes well with support from her parents and family, although "it takes a lot of hard work and patience!" Diagnosed at age two, she works with her family to create a Walk video and send letters to friends each year to raise money for JDRF.

Charlotte says she is grateful that she's able to control her diabetes well with support from her parents and family, although "it takes a lot of hard work and patience!" Diagnosed at age two, she works with her family to create a Walk video and send letters to friends each year to raise money for JDRF. Charlotte also set up a lemonade stand to fundraise, told her story to her senator through the Promise to Remember Me Campaign, and volunteers at JDRF events. A talented dancer, Charlotte has performed in the Nutcracker ballet. She hopes to study dance in college, and go on to dance with a professional ballet company. She also loves drawing and painting. As a delegate, Charlotte hopes to share her story of life with diabetes with Congress, to help them understand why funding is important. She'd also like to become friends with other delegates.